Git Commands Cheat Sheet

Git Commands Cheat Sheet

Learn about the Git commands in a single cheat sheet


3 min read

What actually Git is?


Git is an open-source version control system that works locally to help developers work together on software projects that matter.


Starting up Git within a project and getting it connected.

  1. Initializes (or starts) your current working directory (folder) as a Git repository (repo).

    git init
  2. Copies an existing Git repo hosted remotely.

    git clone
  3. Shows your current Git directory’s remote repo. Use the -v flag for more info.

    git remote or git remote -v
  4. Adds the Git upstream to a URL

    git remote add upstream


Means: Isolating work and managing feature development in one place.

  1. Lists all current branches. An asterisk (*) will appear next to your currently active branch.

    git branch
  2. Creates a new branch. You will remain on your currently active branch until you switch to the new one.

    git branch new-branch
  3. Switch to any existing branch and checks it out into your current working directory.

    git checkout another-branch
  4. Consolidates the creation and checkout of a new branch.

    git checkout -b new-branch
  5. Deletes a branch.

    git branch -d branch-name


Means: Creating files staged after modifying a file and marking it ready to go in the next commit.

  1. Checks the status of your Git repo, including files added that are not staged.
    git status
  2. Stages modified files. If you make changes that you want to be included in the next commit, you can run add again. Use git add . for all files to be staged, or specify specific files by name.
    git add .
    add my_script.js
  3. Removes a file from staging while retaining changes within your working directory
    git reset my_script.js


Means: Recording changes made to the repo.

  1. Commits staged files with a meaningful commit message so that you and others can track commits.

    git commit -am "Commit message
  2. Condenses all tracked files by committing them in one step.

    git commit -m "Commit message
  3. Modifies your commit message.

    git commit --amend -m New commit message

Collaborating and Sharing

Means: Downloading changes from another repository or sharing changes with the larger codebase.

  1. Pushes or sends your local branch commits to the remote repo. 
 Note: some repos use master instead of main in their commands.
    git push origin main
  2. Fetches and merges any commits from the tracking remote branch.
    git pull
  3. Merges the fetched commits.
    git merge upstream/main

Showing Changes

Means: See changes between commits, branches, and more.

  1. Compares modified files that are in the staging area.

    git diff --staged
  2. Displays the difference between what is in a-branch but is not in b-branch.

    git diff a-branch..b-branch
  3. Uses commit id to show the diff between two specific commits.

    git diff 61ce3e6..e221d9c

Other References: GitHub Workflow